It begins!

We left our jobs a mere fortnight ago with dreams of leisurely wake ups, our mornings would consist of sorting and packing, our afternoons spent writing, and fun-filled evenings of ‘last suppers’ with friends and family.

Oh, how wrong we were.

While it feels like months since we left work, it also feels like the time has flown by because we haven’t stopped since we left – we quickly realised how much of a mammoth task it is packing our lives into boxes. It’s been a long, tiring, and emotional couple of weeks and we’ll be telling you a little bit more about it once we’ve gathered our thoughts (I’m sure they’re in a box here somewhere), and caught up on our sleep!


3 thoughts on “It begins!

    1. Julie

      Thanks Lou! We’ve had a nice first day walking around Riga’s Old Town although it’s a tad chilly so we’re wearing about half of the clothes that we brought :-) x


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