Two Years of Travel in Numbers: Stats Round Up

Everyone likes to know the numbers behind something (or is that just me?). Here’s the breakdown of our two year trip, starting with our route generated from the GPS tags in Andrew’s photos.

Two year trip route

Length of time on the road 774 days
2 years 1 month 14 days
Number of countries visited 25
Distance travelled 72,284 km
44,915 miles
Number of beds slept in 199
Number of blog posts written (before this one) 253
Total spend (for two people) £54,394.90
Average daily spend (for two people) £70.28

It’s a shame that our last month pushed us just over our target daily average of £70 per day. This was largely due to the cost of apartment rental in Amsterdam, we spent more on accommodation in April 2015 than any other month of the trip.

Total expense breakdown

Number of train journeys 120
Number of hours spent on trains 591.5 hours
Longest single train journey (Severobaikalsk to Irkutsk) 37.75 hours
Number of flights 12
Number of hours spent in the air 37 hours
Pairs of replacement shoes bought 4

As well as writing about our travels on this blog, we’ve taken a lot of photos to remind us of our two years of travelling, and our method for storing them worked very well.

Number of photos taken (total) 88,486
Average photos taken per day (total) 114
Number of photos taken (Julie) 42,485
Number of photos taken (Andrew) 46,001
GB of data in photos taken (total) 384.5 GB

We knew that we’d be visiting some more exotic locations and vaccinations before the trip started were necessary. We’ve been fortunate that we’ve been pretty healthy while we’ve been away and on the few occasions that we’ve needed something from the pharmacy, either the pharmacist spoke English or some creative miming was sufficient to communicate what we needed!

Visits to doctor 0
Purchases from pharmacy 6
Eye tests 1
Fleas captured 1
Ticks removed 1
Mosquito bites Hundreds!

We were pleasantly surprised by how ubiquitous WiFi is around the world, though obviously internet connections aren’t possible or are so slow as to be unusable in the remoter areas of developing countries such as Mongolia, Bangladesh and Uzbekistan. That said, the nicer accommodation options in their capitals and larger cities were pretty good, if a little flaky at times. We used the Ookla Speedtest app to check internet speeds in the places we stayed.

Fastest internet connection (Tokyo, Japan) down arrow36.35 Mbps up arrow38.79 Mbps
Slowest internet connection (Nukus, Uzbekistan) down arrow0.02 Mbps up arrow0.03 Mbps

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