Pedvale Sculpture Park, Sabile, Latvia

Last Thursday, we visited the open-air sculpture museum at Pedvale near Sabile in western Latvia. The morning began with wildlife. On the 1.5 mile walk from the village to the museum a deer crossed the road in front of us and then within minutes of starting to walk around the park, we saw a bullfinch and two different kinds of woodpecker!




I don’t think that they’ve had many (any?) visitors over the winter as the man who runs it seemed slightly flustered to see us and forgot to charge us the entry fee.


The museum is run by Ojars Feldbergs, a Latvian artist, and the permanent collection consists of around 100 sculptures placed over 100 hectares of land. Most of the sculptures are made from natural materials (stone, wood, etc.) but some are made from reclaimed/recycled material. Our favourite was “MUNAMUNA” by Villu Jaanisoo, made from old TV screens.



Another favourite of ours was “Washday” by Liga Zimante. Situated by a stream, it made us smile.


Here are some of the others.

20130331-083629.jpg“The Path” by Karlis Alainis

20130331-083653.jpg“Butterfly” by Karlis Alainis

20130331-083709.jpg“Pedvale Totem No. 14” by Kardo Kosta

20130331-083726.jpg“The Makeover” by Liga Zimante

20130331-083745.jpg“The Sky Chair” by Villu Jaanisoo

For most of the way, the paths were hidden under snow and in some places it was ankle deep…


We were fortunate to have gorgeous weather on that day. In fact it was so sunny that we both got some colour on our faces. One thing we weren’t expecting to get in Latvia was a tan :)

2 thoughts on “Pedvale Sculpture Park, Sabile, Latvia

  1. Louise Plant

    Wow, that place looks amazing, loving the wildlife & sculpture pics… Reminds me of my A Level Sculpture class! It’s all such a far cry from Easter at home in the UK, although the temp may not be too different!! xx

    1. Julie Post author

      Thanks Lou. It was lovely – really peaceful and pretty. We picked a good day to visit though because since then it’s been colder and it’s snowing again today! xx


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