A Spectacular View

On Thursday, after a slightly stressful morning and a very long and bumpy ride in a minibus, we arrived at Nikita’s Homestead on Olkhon Island just in time for dinner. After a tasty meal surrounded by more tourists than we’ve seen in the last two months we decided to go for a walk. Just behind the complex of guest rooms we found a clifftop path and an incredible view…

20130617-101443.jpgShaman rock in the bay at Khuzir, Olkhon Island

20130617-102159.jpgWe sat on the cliffs watching the sun set, and were rewarded with beautiful clouds

6 thoughts on “A Spectacular View

    1. Julie Post author

      Siberia is really stunning. Lots of wilderness and hiking to be done and we’ve been lucky to have great weather too – I think you’d like it! :)

  1. Grandma

    Thank you for the post-card what a lovely surprise…. the picture on the card is very colourfull the spires on the card aren’t as bright as on the website. Saw you both getting a haircut – I like Julie’s hair short. Enjoy looking at your website every evening – better than going to the cinema. Keep up the good work on the website I am really enjoying following your adventures. With lots of love to you both. Grandma (and my secretary Joyce)

    1. Andrew

      You’re welcome Grandma ;o)
      We’re never sure postcards are going to make it home, but we do like to write them!


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