What photo takes you right back to Bangladesh?

Being mobbed for photographs in Natore’s rajbari. For the Bangladeshi tourists, we were often the main attraction!
Summarise Bangladesh in three words.
- Staring – as there aren’t many foreign tourists, being white made us the center of attention. It’s not rudeness, they’re just very, very curious!
- Chaotic – Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, and the traffic – both motorised and human – is like we found in India, but turned up to 11. There’s just so much going on, all the time that it quickly and unrelentingly overwhelms the senses
- Varied – more so than we were expecting, Bangladesh has an amazingly varied array of attractions: countryside, wildlife, buildings, mosques, and Hindu temples to name a few
You really know you’re in Bangladesh when…
You’ll be sitting in a restaurant and everyone will position themselves so they can watch you eat, including the waiting staff who’ll often just lean on a nearby table. It can feel like feeding time at the zoo!
What one item should you definitely pack when going to Bangladesh?
Binoculars. There’s a surprising amount of wildlife in Bangladesh and there were quite a few occasions, especially in the Sundarbans National Park and Srimongol’s Lowacherra National Park when we wished we’d had a pair with us.