G2C2C Day 6: Rookhope to Tynemouth (then home)

Distance cycled to Tynemouth 43.2 miles / 69.5 km
Distance cycled from Tynemouth to home 12.4 miles / 20 km
Cumulative distance cycled 298.2 miles / 479.9 km
Elevation (daily total) 2050 feet / 625 m
Total cycling time 5h
Total time (including breaks) 6h 20
Average speed 11.1 mph / 17.9 kmph
Weather conditions Sunny

After a solid 9 hours sleep we departed for the final day of riding from Rookhope. The official route is often closed during shooting season and an on-road alternative must be taken. Fortunately for us, there is no shooting on a Sunday and so after a hard 1 mile climb up a rocky track (with tired legs and cold muscles) we emerged onto beautiful moorland with just the occasional grouse cackle to break the silence and the morning’s mist swirling in the valley below.

Moorland track above RookhopeDeserted moorland track above Rookhope

The four miles of moorland path ended at Parkhead Station from where we blasted downhill along the Waskerley Way path and it wasn’t long before we arrived at the old smelt wagon at Lydgett’s Junction in Consett and started along paths well known to us from our training rides. The Derwent Valley path has some great downhills through forest and over viaducts before emerging on the south side of the River Tyne.

Derwent Valley pathZooming along the Derwent Valley

We’d arranged to meet family in Tynemouth for celebratory fish and chips so by the time we reached Newcastle, lunch was overdue and despite our best efforts at refueling with biscuits and jelly babies (pro-tip, thanks Jo!) we were getting tired and the last few miles were a bit of a struggle. We had a real sense of achievement as we crested the cliff near Tynemouth Priory before descending to the beach for the obligatory photo with the back wheel in the sea.

C2C - the end!

8 thoughts on “G2C2C Day 6: Rookhope to Tynemouth (then home)

  1. Mum & Dad

    Congratulations on a brilliant achievement!! Well Done!! A fine final day and credit to you both for your grit and determination on your very own ‘There and Back Again’ adventure. We are sp proud of you two. Can’t wait for the book ;-)
    A glass of ‘fizz’ and Fish and Chips an added bonus to celebrate your success.
    Love ‘n Hugs. xx xx

  2. Brian

    CONGRATULATIONS GUYS! So happy you made it all the way through! I am still moseying on, myself… somewhat nearby on the Emerald Isle at the moment! A bit more of continental Europe before the year end and then I’m not sure what come 2016! Would love to catch up sometime and hear all about your adventure that can’t be read about on the blog here! Will keep in touch via Facebook :-)

    1. Julie Post author

      Thanks Brian :) Enjoy Ireland, we love it over there. We’ve got a short trip to Prague planned for December but other than that I think we’ll be pretty static for a while now so if you find yourself in the North of England definitely let us know – it would be great to catch up. Take care and keep in touch.


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