What photo takes you right back to the Hebridean Way?

The spectacular beaches made us get our cameras out every time, no matter the weather the sea seemed to glow turquoise and they were usually more or less deserted too. This is Vatersay on our first day
Summarise the Hebridean Way in three words.
- Remote – not only are the islands themselves remote from the mainland but cycling there we often felt ourselves to be remote from the conveniences that we’re used to – there often isn’t a shop, cafe, restaurant, campsite or public toilet for tens of miles and we made sure to always have some food supplies in reserve, just in case
- Rolling – the Hebridean Way isn’t a physically challenging route and we often found ourselves nicely rolling along up and down on the undulating roads
- Resilient – from the neolithic standing stones dotted around the islands, to the remains of the village at St Kilda, and the museum in Stornoway, imagining how people have lived here over the centuries and dealt with the harsh conditions was a theme of our visit
You really know you’re in the Outer Hebrides when…
…all of the caution animal signs have googly eyes! We have no idea who travelled the islands adding these but they were there from the causeway at Eriskay all the way to Stornoway. Any humans in similar signs (riding the horse, pedestrians) were always blind.
What one item should you definitely pack when going to the Outer Hebrides?
Midge headnet and insect repellent. To be fair most of the time the midges weren’t too bad but when they did come out they were very annoying! We picked up headnets in Tarbert and they made the rest of our stay much more comfortable.