Half way – year 2 begins!

It’s exactly one year to the day since we frantically packed our bags, handed over the keys to our house and set off on our two year trip..

Us setting off from Newcastle train station

Setting off. 19th March 2013, Newcastle train station, UK – full of excitement, trepidation and emotion as we left for Riga via London (photo credit: Mum & Dad xx)

1 year in, Joypurhat, Bangladesh

1 year in. 17th March 2014, Joypurhat, Bangladesh – waiting for a bus to Paharpur (photo credit: Roman, a very kind student we met on the train)

The destinations for our first year were largely planned ahead of time, but this second year will be a little more spontaneous – from Bangladesh we’re going to Singapore for a week, then we’ll see how much raw fish we can eat in Japan. After that, we don’t yet know!

Thank you for following and commenting (hint ;o) on our adventures..


Andrew & Julie xxx

12 thoughts on “Half way – year 2 begins!

  1. Malcolm

    A whole year gone so quickly, yet providing you both with a rich fund of tales to tell wherever you are (there MUST be at least one book in this?!). Whether you realise it yet or not, you both continue to grow in wisdom and experience, with a deeper understanding of your own lives enriched by the wonderful variety of people’s and cultures you are seeing and interacting with. The most significant aspect of your travels seems to be that you are meeting the people, rather than travelling the ‘tourist’ road. Others may have seen the sights; you have immersed yourself in the culture.
    We wish you both continued good health, wonderful experiences, and joy in your travels.
    Love and Blessings
    mum & dad
    xx xx

    1. Andrew Post author

      Thanks for your beautiful words, once more :o)
      On one hand, it doesn’t feel like we’ve been on the road for a whole year, but when we take just a moment to recall where we’ve been, what we’ve seen and all the lovely people we’ve met, it feels like we’ve been travelling a lot longer!
      Love and Hugs, A & J xxxx

  2. Jo

    I knew you should have taken my Singapore dollars! :) I recommend Sleepy Sam’s hostel – good location, clean, friendly, breakfast: http://www.sleepysams.com/

    I can’t believe it’s a year already since we were having farewell Goan dinner and beer at the Brickies’, that’s extraordinary.

    1. Julie

      Singapore only became part of the itinerary because it was the cheapest flight out of Dhaka that we could find! Thanks for the hostel recommendation, we need to get something booked soon…

      I know, crazy isn’t it. It’s even 5 months since we were drinking cocktails in Saigon!

  3. Heidi

    Wow! How time flies…
    I love hearing about your adventures so please continue the travel book :-)

    Another added bonus today is the spot the difference picture!

    I noticed 2 without looking: Handbag (Radley?) is not there and Julie has shorter hair :-)


    1. Jo

      I spotted some too!

      1) No fleeces. :)
      2) Andrew’s big rucksack seems to have shrunk. Or Andrew’s grown. I suspect the latter.
      3) Added hat.

      1. Julie

        1 and 3 can be readily explained by the difference in weather between the UK and Bangladesh, they’ve just swapped places in and out of the rucksacks. 2 is more tricky, it’s possibly the angle of the photo, or maybe we had a packed lunch in the top of Andrew’s bag in that first picture!

      2. Andrew Post author

        Nice :o)
        #2 – we’ve ditched most of our winter clothes so my rucksack is smaller, though not appreciably lighter :o/

        Oh, and I thought I’d lost weight. Thanks Jo ;oP

    2. Julie

      The handbag is hidden inside the green rucksack, and the hair length was more the hairdresser’s doing than mine…

      Glad you’re enjoying the blog, we love to get comments so that we know that people are reading :-)

  4. Emma Slater

    Wow can’t believe a year has gone already! Hope u can fit everything in that u want to see in the next year x

    1. Julie

      It has really flown past hasn’t it. We have 3 or 4 different possible itineraries that we’re considering for after Japan so I think it’s safe to say we’ll still have places left on our ‘to see’ list for future journeys! x


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