The Markets of Bangladesh – a photo essay

We love wandering through markets, and the ones in Bangladesh stand out for two reasons; firstly, they’re very raw – by that I mean everything and it’s working are on show – live animals tied up or in cages witness their fate as butchers work at the same stall; and secondly, perhaps because we’re so obviously foreign, the stallholders invited us to take pictures of them, or of their fellow sellers.

Just by being curious, smiling, and saying a few words in Bengali, we got some amazingly candid photos. Here are some of our favourites from the markets of Bangladesh..

Betel leaf seller, Dhaka

The first seller in Bangladesh to request his portrait from us – Betel leaf seller, Dhaka

Betel nut sellers, Dhaka

Then the two guys at the next stall wanted their photo taken too – Betel nut sellers, Dhaka

Butcher, Dhaka

Butcher having a cigarette after a hard days work, Dhaka

Butchers, Dhaka

More friendly butchers, Dhaka

Whole spices seller, Dhaka

This whole spices seller saw us taking photographs and quickly nipped back into his stall to get his photo taken as well, Dhaka

Flower stall, Rajshahi

Florist making a sale, Rajshahi

Jaggery (uncentrifuged sugar) seller, Rajshahi

Entrepreneurial jaggery (uncentrifuged sugar) seller who stopped us walking past so we could sample his wares then happily posed for a photo, Rajshahi

Chicken seller, Rajshahi

One of Julie’s favourite portraits, a poultry seller, Rajshahi

Greengrocer, Rajshahi

This lovely greengrocer who was pointed at by all the stallholders around him to have his photo taken. He didn’t say a word or break his smile. Rajshahi

Fishmonger, Rajshahi

Our favourite of a line of fishmongers in Rajshahi. Cross-eyed and still has all of his fingers!

Coconut seller, Dinajpur

When this coconut seller asked for his photo, I gestured for him to hold a coconut as his stand was quite sparse, and look what he pulled out – what a lovely pair! Dinajpur

Greengrocer, Dinajpur

We love the early evening light and the beaming smile of this greengrocer in Dinajpur.

Chicken seller, Dinajpur

Young chicken seller, Dinajpur

Fishmonger having a tea break, Dinajpur

A very happy fishmonger having a tea break, Dinajpur

Fishmonger, Dinajpur

Fishmonger, Dinajpur

Fishmonger, Dinajpur

Fishmonger, Dinajpur

Grocers, Dinajpur

Father and son grocers, Dinajpur

Greengrocer, Dinajpur

Very good value greengrocers, Dinajpur

Onion and garlic seller, Dinajpur

Onion and garlic seller, Dinajpur

Herb seller, Dinajpur

A herb seller emanating inner peace, Dinajpur

Tobacconist, Dinajpur

Tobacconist, Dinajpur

Fruit seller, Dinajpur

Fruit seller hanging bunches of grapes, Dinajpur

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