Two Years!

Two years ago today we set off from a train station in the north east of England for the biggest adventure and experience of our lives. A year later we were in Bangladesh, one of our favourite countries so far and we’d planned as far as Japan – the furthest either of us have ever been away from home.

1 year in, Joypurhat, Bangladesh

1 year in. 17th March 2014, Joypurhat, Bangladesh – waiting for a bus to Paharpur (photo credit: Roman, a very kind student we met on the train)

Today we’re in Carcassonne in the south of France, and with a little tinge of sadness we have just booked our final train tickets to the UK. When will it end, we hear you ask? Keep reading to find out!

2 years in  - us in Switzerland

Time for another “spot the difference” competition in the comments! Here we’d just arrived in Switzerland to stay with old friends – thanks again for a fantastic time Heidi and Olivier :o)

Thanks once more for following and commenting (hint ;o) on our adventures..

9 thoughts on “Two Years!

  1. Jo

    Er, different plastic bottles to a year ago (just as well, really). And I’m pretty sure you’re both in a different pair of jeans from the ones you set off in.

    Happy travel-versary!

    1. Julie

      Yes, there’s definitely been a clothes refresh since we left :). It’s much cooler in Europe too hence the jeans rather than walking trousers (and the jackets)!

  2. Yohanna

    Happy travel-birthday guys ! I’m so keen on following your adventures ! And glad to hear you’re in my home country even though i’m not in it right now (studying in Romania for 6 months)

    I really hope we’ll meet again !

    Yohanna, met in Datong, summer 2013 :)

    1. Andrew Post author

      Thanks Yohanna, yes we’re in the south of France visiting friends we made on this trip, and I’m sorry you weren’t home as we’d really like to meet up with you again too! I’m sure we’ll stay in touch and eventually meet up for dinner somewhere – maybe for another Chinese takeaway? ;o)

  3. Malcolm

    Happy Bi-Anniversary!! Two years.. Really? Some days it seems like just yesterday we dropped you off at the station, others a lot longer than two years!! Changes? Yes, of course ;) Clothes, hair (well, for one of you at least!), and the rucksacks seem to sit easier on both of your well travelled shoulders…. But mostly, its the easy way you both seem to carry yourselves now, a gentle confidence gathered from all the places you have travelled to and the people you have met and talked with. We know it may feel a little sad for you to be returning home soon (for a while at least :) ), but we hope it’s not too selfish of us to want you back to hear more of your adventures and incredible tales. Everyone is someone’s child; we do not want to halt you on your path, merely to sit and learn from you for a while.
    Blessings to you both…
    Often in our thoughts, always in our hearts
    Love, Mum & Dad xx xx

    PS. Now a Reiki Master Teacher… A’Ho!

    1. Andrew Post author

      Thank you Dad, and congratulations to you too!

      I feel I should say something about all these hair comments though.. yes, it is about time she had one ;oP

      Love and Hugs xx xx

  4. Marcia

    Andrew – you certainly have less hair, but then if it was after the visit to Heidi it may have been that she led to you pulling it out! I understand she took you tobogganing; at least I can gloat about my experience of that – ours was 8.5km long!!
    Your visit to Carcassonne has reminded me of our very special times we spent together playing the board game version – how many farmers did you meet there? I’m not sure that I’ve got it out since you left!! It is all ready and waiting for your return – drop by at any time.

    Lots of love from,

    Doc xxxx

    1. Julie

      You should be careful Doc, you’ll be getting yourself into trouble – maybe with Andrew as well as Heidi if there are too many less hair comments ;-). You shouldn’t gloat too much either, I’ll have you know that our sledge run is the longest in Europe at 15km! Admittedly not all of it was open as the last section had already melted but it was definitely longer than 8.5km.

      Perhaps the main reason that Carcassonne ended up on our itinerary is from memories of playing the board game. We haven’t met any farmers yet but the fields are full of giant wooden pigs so there’s definitely a link…

      I think we’ll take you up on that offer – we’ll email with some dates :-).
      J&A xx


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